Trolling Depth Calculator App

Calculate Lure Depth effortlessly

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Trolling App - Lure Depth Calculator

Trolling App - Overview

What is the benefit?

Calculate the exact depth of your lure with our free Trolling Depth Calculator App to increase your Fishing Success right away! Download App for free.

Troll fishing challenges

Even small tweaks to your trolling gear setup can significantly influence your fishing triumphs. Adjustments affect the lure's depth in the water, so be mindful not to present it too deep or shallow for the fish to notice.

Trolling in the right depth is essential to maximize your fishing success!

This app makes it easy to know the lure running depth by calculation, so you can always fish in the optimal water layer and always have all the important settings for the calculator at hand, like

- Boat Speed, Water type, Rod tip height

- Leader and main line (type, diameter, length)

- Sinker (shape, weight, distance to bait)

- Wobbler, Swimbait, Softbait... (length, height, width, weight, flow resistance, sinking action, Wobbler lip)

Obtain data - download or make your own

Benefit from the experience of other anglers by downloading their shared data.

Create your individual lures. Save this on our server to sync with your other devices.

If you want, share your custom data with other anglers.

Real-time Depths while Fishing

For effective trolling, it's essential to maintain awareness of your lure's precise running depth. Utilizing advanced technology to monitor and adjust the trolling depth in real-time will increase your catch rat, while automatically tracking boat speed with your device GPS-System.

Optimize the effectiveness of your fishing by adjustments to dynamic conditions. Whether it's visible fish on the echo sounder or varying bottom structures when fishing close to the bottom.

How does the Calculator work?

Due to the specific parameters, this tool enables a precise calculation that takes into account both the flow resistance and the individual sinking behavior of your bait and fishing line. In order to bring your lure deeper to the desired depth you can add sinking aids, which are also included. Our Trolling Depth Calculator App outputs the exact trolling depth with all these inputs.

Lure Depth Charts

Depth chart creation for any lure. Use the different calculators to get the necessary data for chart creation.

Increase your success catching popular target fish, e.g.

Pike, Walleye, Perch, Trout, Lake trout, Sea trout, Cod and many more...

Incredible Trolling App Capabilities

Quick summary

Calculator Scope...

- Lure running depth

- Needed Line out, sinker weight or sinker position for desired Depth

Line data

- Type: Monofilament, Braid, Fluorocarbon etc.

- Length

- Diameter

Lure settings

- Type: Wobbler, Softbait, Swimbait

- Measurements and weight

- Sinking and Drag action

- Wobbler Dive Lip

Live Depth while fishing

- In Real-Time

- Speed via GPS or manually

- No depth chart needed anymore

Online storage

- Store your created lures and lines

- Transfer data to other devices


- Make your parameters available to other users

- Benefit from other users lure or line data

Learn how to use the Trolling App...

Lure Depth Calculator

Exact trolling depth, needed line length etc.

Trolling Depth Calculator - Trolling App - Video 1

Real-time Depths

Overview for up to 4 rods

Trolling Depth Calculator - Trolling App - Video 2

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