Trolling Depth Calculator - How to

How to calculate Lure Depth with this App?

Watch calculator videos and increase your trolling skills!

In the following videos, discover how you can use the app's various calculation options to efficiently determine the lure depth, the appropriate line length, the appropriate sinker weight or the ideal sinker position in order to achieve and to know the exact desired depth when trolling. Start watching by clicking a video and learn how to use the Trolling Depth Calculator...

Lure Depth Calculator

With this calculator you can easily determine the exact depth of your trolling lures for fishing

Line Length Calculator

If you want to achieve the desired depth for your trolling lures, it is crucial to choose the right line length, try this calculator.

Finding the right trolling depth is crucial to increase your chances of catching more fish. When you're trolling, you're essentially dragging your lure or bait behind the boat, and the depth at which you're doing so can make all the difference. If you're too shallow, you'll likely catch smaller fish or none at all, while if you're too deep, you'll miss out on larger fish that are lurking in the depths. By adjusting your trolling depth to match the specific species and environment you're targeting, you can increase your chances of catching more fish and bigger ones. For example, when targeting striped bass, a trolling depth of 15-25 feet may be ideal, while for tuna, it's often 100-200 feet or more. By experimenting with different depths and finding what works best for your target species, you can maximize your catch and make your fishing trip more productive.

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